Twilight and the Magic of Democracy
by CatHerder
(This is a skeleton of a story.)
Celestia needs a vacation. It's up to Twilight Sparkle and her friends to elect a governing body to rule in her stead. An unlikely hero will save ponykind from their own machinations.
Soon after dawn, emerald dragon-flame illuminates the library. Twilight was not accustomed to waking at this hour, and Spike was a loyal friend who did not see a need to wake the unicorn for a missive that wasn't marked for urgency. Later in the morning when Twilight was having toast and orange juice, Spike produced the scroll. He began to read with confidence, "'Dearest Twilight,'" His eyes widen as his voice grows uncertain. "'I am abdicating the throne for a month," Twilight suddenly spat orange liquid, spattering the scroll and the small dragon reading it. After a flat look, Spike continued. "...Starting the end of next week. I am leaving the responsibility for governing in your hooves.' Wow Twi, does that make you a Princess?"
"I hope not! That's a lot of responsibility, Spike. In other nations there are elected leadership hierarchies, which I suppose they'd need without ponies like Celestia or Luna around to handle everything. I suppose we'd better ask Luna, come to think of it!"
One scenic train ride later, Twilight was in the Court of the Sun. Celestia was naught to be found this day, with thestrals guarding the entrance. A small amount of petitioners milled about outside. As she surveyed the situation, Prince Blueblood caught notice of her. "Ah, aren't you my aunt's star pupil? Perhaps you can shed some light on why she's absent."
"Well uh, I couldn't say." Twilight was unlikely to have told him if she had known the reasoning behind this current situation. This stallion was unlikely to be helpful if she had sought his counsel. Awkwardly ambling off like the nerd she was, she came to the batponies with spears at parade rest. Open displays of weaponry were rare in the castle, and thestrals rarer still. Twilight reasoned that that may be why the crowd of petitioners was thinner than usual, consisting more of entitled-looking nobles than town representatives and down-on-their-luck ponies.
"Miss Sparkle?" She was suddenly brought back to focus on a dark stallion in front of her.
"Er, yes, that'd be me." She sheepishly smiled. It had been a long while since she'd been formally addressed face-to-face, and the first time that a bat-pony had done so.
He stepped aside, with a broad motion of his wing. "Luna will see you presently."
"Mine sister saw it fit to let thou lead this effort. Ponies fear our rule still, we can only advise thou."
"Well, ah think that these newfangled 'taxes' Blueblood's proposin' sound downright awful."
"It's not that kind of party, Pinkie."
"What kind of party doesn't make everyone smile?"
Pinkie would quickly found the Real Party, whose debate tactics would include "protesting" the debate format by means of revelry. If they could make their debate opponents (such as they may or may not have considered themselves) smile, it would be considered to them a win.
"My dearest pupil, I hear reports that your wise leadership has rendered my return unnecessary until next year at the least. Rule as you see fit." Twilight did not know where the Princess would have received such counsel, she did not agree with this sentiment in the least. However, such a development cemented her will to make this burgeoning mass democracy work.
"Fluttershy, release the savage beasts!" Pinkie and her affiliates had once again chosen japery, as the populace had empowered them to do. Stoats began to scamper out of the now opened enclosure.
"This so-called 'Real Party' is once again making a mockery of our Senate!" Blueblood stamped his hoof against the table as the rodents ran around and flailed themselves on the desks.
The alabaster doors parted as ethereal pastel colors flowed over the assembly, with most, but notably not all in attendance bowing as the Princess made her unannounced return. "I am the Senate."
Celestia needs a vacation. It's up to Twilight Sparkle and her friends to elect a governing body to rule in her stead. An unlikely hero will save ponykind from their own machinations.
Soon after dawn, emerald dragon-flame illuminates the library. Twilight was not accustomed to waking at this hour, and Spike was a loyal friend who did not see a need to wake the unicorn for a missive that wasn't marked for urgency. Later in the morning when Twilight was having toast and orange juice, Spike produced the scroll. He began to read with confidence, "'Dearest Twilight,'" His eyes widen as his voice grows uncertain. "'I am abdicating the throne for a month," Twilight suddenly spat orange liquid, spattering the scroll and the small dragon reading it. After a flat look, Spike continued. "...Starting the end of next week. I am leaving the responsibility for governing in your hooves.' Wow Twi, does that make you a Princess?"
"I hope not! That's a lot of responsibility, Spike. In other nations there are elected leadership hierarchies, which I suppose they'd need without ponies like Celestia or Luna around to handle everything. I suppose we'd better ask Luna, come to think of it!"
One scenic train ride later, Twilight was in the Court of the Sun. Celestia was naught to be found this day, with thestrals guarding the entrance. A small amount of petitioners milled about outside. As she surveyed the situation, Prince Blueblood caught notice of her. "Ah, aren't you my aunt's star pupil? Perhaps you can shed some light on why she's absent."
"Well uh, I couldn't say." Twilight was unlikely to have told him if she had known the reasoning behind this current situation. This stallion was unlikely to be helpful if she had sought his counsel. Awkwardly ambling off like the nerd she was, she came to the batponies with spears at parade rest. Open displays of weaponry were rare in the castle, and thestrals rarer still. Twilight reasoned that that may be why the crowd of petitioners was thinner than usual, consisting more of entitled-looking nobles than town representatives and down-on-their-luck ponies.
"Miss Sparkle?" She was suddenly brought back to focus on a dark stallion in front of her.
"Er, yes, that'd be me." She sheepishly smiled. It had been a long while since she'd been formally addressed face-to-face, and the first time that a bat-pony had done so.
He stepped aside, with a broad motion of his wing. "Luna will see you presently."
"Mine sister saw it fit to let thou lead this effort. Ponies fear our rule still, we can only advise thou."
"Well, ah think that these newfangled 'taxes' Blueblood's proposin' sound downright awful."
"It's not that kind of party, Pinkie."
"What kind of party doesn't make everyone smile?"
Pinkie would quickly found the Real Party, whose debate tactics would include "protesting" the debate format by means of revelry. If they could make their debate opponents (such as they may or may not have considered themselves) smile, it would be considered to them a win.
"My dearest pupil, I hear reports that your wise leadership has rendered my return unnecessary until next year at the least. Rule as you see fit." Twilight did not know where the Princess would have received such counsel, she did not agree with this sentiment in the least. However, such a development cemented her will to make this burgeoning mass democracy work.
"Fluttershy, release the savage beasts!" Pinkie and her affiliates had once again chosen japery, as the populace had empowered them to do. Stoats began to scamper out of the now opened enclosure.
"This so-called 'Real Party' is once again making a mockery of our Senate!" Blueblood stamped his hoof against the table as the rodents ran around and flailed themselves on the desks.
The alabaster doors parted as ethereal pastel colors flowed over the assembly, with most, but notably not all in attendance bowing as the Princess made her unannounced return. "I am the Senate."